We’re Revamping Our Learning Program
“Those who have learned the lessons of the arts, – how to see new patterns, how to learn from mistakes, and how to envision solutions – are the ones likely to come up with the novel answers needed most for the future.” Ellen Winner and Lois Hetland
The Ohio Department of Education 21st century readiness plan fosters and nurtures the fusion of the three Rs with the four Cs; creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication. The arts provide a perfect stage for developing these skills and Pomerene Center is stepping up to help make sure our children are getting enough of the four Cs.
Are your children getting enough? Want to be part of the dialogue? We’ll be talking about preschool art and music opportunities, advocating for the arts in the schools and artistic explorations. Call us, 740.622.0326 or email pomerenearts@gmail.com