Painting workshop with western artist

Aug 29 & 30, 6-8pm at the Pomerene Center for the Arts
Presented by Artist Friends of the Pomerene
Limit : 10 students.
$45 for Friends $55 for Guests
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Artist friend of the Pomerene, Karen Shaw Honaker is back in her hometown of Zanesville, Ohio on a spur of the moment visit. She’s offered to teach a workshop on the LIMITED PALLET before she returns to the West. Here’s what she says about her own painting journey and about what she’d like to share with workshop participants.
“For years I struggled with the mixing of color, color application, blending paint on the canvas and highlighting my subject without it becoming flat. On top of that I had dozens of tubes of expensive paint that just didn’t seem to give me the effect that I was looking for. Or when I would blend it with another color I would get mud and so I ask you…
How many tubes of paint do you own? Do you struggle with blending color? When blending color do you get mud or does it dry to a different hue than you planed? How liberating would it be to have only seven tubes of paint on your pallet?
By using a limited pallet of only seven colors you can achieve a fresh and dramatic work of art. With this technique you can blend your own yellow ocher, burnt sienna and all of the secondary colors that we usually buy in separate tubes. I will teach you how to blend your own black that will merge effortlessly into green, red, blue, browns or any other color on your pallet that you desire. Also I will teach you how to work with the chemical structure of your paint and why some paints are different than others…. not all paints are created equal! “ Check out Karen’s website
To register: download mailable registration form, or pay below online. Info: 740.622.0326 or pomerenearts@gmail.com
Supply list: small canvas; pallet; oil paint (acrylic is acceptable)Titanium white, Cadmium yellow pale, Cadmium yellow medium, Cadmium red medium, Alizarin crimson, Ultramarine blue, Phthalo green; brushes, pallet knife, a container of turpentine, paper towels and an easel (easels can be borrowed from the Pomerene)