ED HAS CLASS, ANNE HAS FUNK — loose arranging
Tuesday, February 9, 6:30-8pm @ the Pomerene Center
Limit : 14 people (age 15 and older)
$20 proceeds benefit the Pomerene Center for the Arts.
Registration required.
You can register by 1. CALLING the Pomerene @ 740.622.0326 or Kiefer’s @ 740-622-3993 2. EMAILING pomerenearts@gmail.com or 3. CLICKING the “Add to cart” button below–we’ll email you your registration confirmation
Image photoshopped using elements from Christine Eige, Troy’s Trash, One Charming Party, and Woman’s Day.
Announcing the 2016 ED HAS CLASS, ANNE HAS FUNK annual floral arranging evening–this year we’re playing with loose arranging, i.e. arranging without floral foam or frogs.
Ed Kiefer will bring the flowers and greenery. Anne Cornell is gathering an assortment of empty soda cans, tools and containers. To begin, Ed will demonstrate how to arrange a stunning valentine display incorporating the aluminum flowers Anne will make before your eyes. Next, with the promise of guidance and encouragement, we’ll turn the materials over to you to make your own arrangement for home. Everyone will leave with their own centerpiece.
- a beverage
- snacks if you want
- don’t want to use what we’ve gathered? bring your favorite vase or jar (a narrowing neck/3″ diameter mouth is ideal)
In addition to having a full compliment of supplies on hand, we’ll provide cups, glasses and napkins.
Want to try your hand? You can register by 1. CALLING the Pomerene @ 740.622.0326 or Kiefer’s @ 740-622-3993 2. EMAILING pomerenearts@gmail.com 3. CLICKING the “Add to cart” button below–we’ll email you your registration confirmation
p.s. It’s our hope you’ll lend us your floral artwork to exhibit for the whole community to see at the 24th annual Chocolate Extravaganza, February 13th @ the Coshocton County Career Center.