
Acrylics–textures, layers & Metallics

Acrylics–Textures, Layers & Metallics; a painting workshop with Jacqueline Sullivan
March 28, 9-4pm We’ll take an hour off for lunch–options: brown bag and eat at the Presbyterian Church or go out/home for lunch.

Where: 2nd floor Coshocton Presbyterian Church
Cost: $85 tuition + $10 supply fee
Limit: 7 
(min) 10 (max) students ages 15 and over, all levels

to register call 740.622.0326, click to download registration form SOLD OUT! BUT GIVE US A CALL IF YOU WANT US TO PUT YOU ON OUR WAITING LIST or purchase the class below registration deadline February 28

Copper texture colllage






J. Sullivan Copper Texture Collage     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxJ. Sullivan Untitled

This class is about building a painting layer by layer. Jacqueline Sullivan will lead the group through a series of experiments in applying layers of

  • fluid acrylic paint (straight from the bottle and thinned to make glazes)
  • textures–including a variety of acrylic media and  miscellaneous household items (cheesecloth, sizing, glues, tissue paper, lace papers)
  • and metallic foils

Together these ingredients will create richly textured surfaces.  Students will leave the class with an understanding of how to use many different acrylic mediums and a small, layered collage built from the experimental pieces created throughout the day.


Things to bring: Acrylic brush –about 1″ width (J.Sullivan likes the Golden™ Talon Brushes), several small pieces of 140 lb. cold press water color paper (or a Strathmore™ 300 series 9″x12″ tablet). If you have them you can also bring the following: a cutting mat, metal ruler, exacto knife with additional sharp blades.

Supplies covered by your $10 supply fee: Fluid Acrylic Paints, Metallic Foils, cheesecloth, tissue paper, lace paper, honed outs, double faced tape, foam core, sizing, and various glues & mediums.



Jacqueline Sullivan is a teacher and mixed-media artist with experience in graphic design, advertising and publications. read more about her

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