It’s John Zingg’s Birthday and he’s playing a Pom Rent Party to celebrate

Friday Nov. 1, 7:30pm
Hi everyone. I called Anne Cornell a while back to see if I could get the November kick-off slot for the Pomerene rent party. She readily agreed.
By chance, I’ve played that slot for the past two years. It happens to be my birthday weekend so it turns into a pleasant evening for me as my family and friends are usually there in force. It’s the gig I look forward to playing all year. It gives me a chance to be more than just background music for the night. Anne, please consider me for that spot on a permanent basis.
I see a lot of the same faces at my gigs, so in an attempt to keep it fresh, I’m going to pull out a few tunes that I normally don’t do in public. Those songs that I think might be a little too weird for public consumption. So, we’ll see how that works out.
As I mentioned before, this marks my birthday weekend. Anne requested a picture along with this write-up. As I’m gradually turning into Bernie Sanders (I get Jerry Springer a lot too), I gave up trying to get a decent current picture. I’m sending a pic from a few years back. Sometimes it’s liberating to just give up and ignore reality.
I look forward to playing for you again this year. I just put a couple new songs on Soundcloud, please check them out. John Zingg
Update: Anne said yes to reserving the November First Friday spot for John’s birthday celebration/gift — he donates all the proceeds of the evening to the Pomerene. Thanks John!
WHAT IS A RENT PARTY? During WWI into the 1930’s African Americans emigrated from the rural south to the labor starved industrial north. They relocated in such large numbers (hundreds of thousands) It was called the Great Migration. Housing was hard to find and rents skyrocketed. In Harlem, the new “northerners” raised money to pay the rent by throwing parties. Furniture was moved to the outside walls, musicians and refreshments were brought in, card tables were set up out of the way of the dance floor, and the doors were opened in exchange for a few bucks.

In an effort to relieve stress on our monthly budget, the Pomerene Center has adopted/adapted the Rent Party to help meet our monthly gas bill. YES! We open our doors at 7:15pm on First Friday evenings, September-April and present great acoustic music– great times (especially if you bring your friends!) –surrounded by great art. Suggested donation $10 at the door. Make your reservation by contacting us @ 740.622.0326 or office@pomerenearts.org