Great jazz melody alive and well
HiFi Rendezvous| Friday, April 5, 7pm
Genre: jazz standards
Suggested donation $10
Nick Schmitt (guitar vocals), Ken Brode (drums), Caroline Heading (piano), Tim Pence (percussion), John Lindig (bass and alto Sax)
Fri, April 5 at 7pm–The Pomerene Center welcomes hometown band Hi-Fi Rendezvous for a musical evening dedicated to keeping great jazz melody alive and well.  The band listens to–among others–Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgersald, Saragh Vaughn, Nat King Cole,Monk, Duke Ellington, Tony Bennett,Stan Getz, Bill Evans, Jobim.
A little tidbit about their history with some Coshocton history thrown in: Hi-Fi started as Whitewoman Street Jazz in 2008.  The band switched their name to Hi-Fi Rendezvous when they began playing outside Coshocton and found their new crowds, not understanding  Whitewoman Street is a real street in Roscoe Village across the river from Coshocton, made them feel a little politically incorrect. Or at least that was part of the reason they changed their name.
If the crowds had only known the backstory of the street name! How about this excerpt from “The Centennial History of Coshocton County, Ohio, Volume 1”  By William J. Bahmer,  S. J. Clarke Publishing Company, Chicago. circa 1911
"There is a legend of the Walhonding, the tradition of  White Woman Rock, and the heroine of it may have been some captive maiden among the hundreds of eastern prisoners in the hands of savages passing through this region on their way to the West.  Held in a red beast's arms the struggling beauty suddenly broke from him and flew like an arrow through the forest, tearing through thickets, and leaping over fallen timber, the yelping pursuer fast gaining upon her.  Just before her though the trees she saw the river. An instant she hesitated. Better death in the water than a living death in horrible captivity.  She could hear him coming nearer. If she could only find a hiding place! She did not want to die.  There, looming high on the river's edge, her frantic eyes sighted a huge rock. Its great wall seemed to beacon her to safety. With all her remaining strength she drew herself from ledge to ledge to the topmost height, and lay there prone, panting, trembling, exhausted. The protecting arm of a tree spread its foliage overhead. Beneath flowed the silent river. A stillness suddenly hung over everything. The listening girl, straining to hear the least sound, fearful lest she might be tracked to her refuge, held her hand to her breast to still the wild beating of her heart. Silently the moccasined feet drew nearer, stealthily they crept toward the rock, and the painted face looking upward saw the quarry only partly concealed by the overhanging branches. He dashed up with a yell. Hunter and hunted faced each other for a terrible instant, the prayer froze on her lips, and then before his outstretched hand could seize her she threw herself from the brink into the waters that closed over her forever."  WHOA.
Nice photo of White Woman Rock taken by Mike Bechtol.
p.s. The evening is not about white women, it’s all about jazz. Â Join us.
WHAT IS A RENT PARTY? At the time of the Great Migration north (1910-1930), blacks emigrating from the south settled the problem of Harlem’s inflated rents by throwing parties. Furniture was moved to the outside walls, musicians and refreshments were brought in, card tables were set up out of the way of the dance floor, and the doors were opened in exchange for a few bucks.
In an effort to relieve stress on our monthly budget, the Pomerene Center has adopted/adapted the Rent Party to help meet our monthly gas bill. YES! We open our doors at 7:00pm on First Friday evenings, October-April and present great acoustic music– great times (especially if you bring your friends!) –and great food $3 per plate. Suggested donation $10 at the door.