Best Holiday Cookie Contest IV
ENTRY DEADLINE November 30th downloadable entry form
PARTY Friday. Dec. 7, 7:00pm
The Pomerene Center for the Arts is searching for the best holiday cookie in Coshocton County!
It’s a contest
BAKERS! TEST YOUR SKILLS. WIN PRIZES for baking the best Cut Out, Cut Up or Decorated Cookie; Bar, Ball or full of Nuts Cookie; Heirloom Cookie; Spirit Cookie or winning the coveted Santa’s (People’s) Choice Award. entry form
It’s a musical-comedy-COOKIE TASTING-auction evening
that pulls community members together to laugh and eat cookies while raising funds to support community arts. The contest generates a limited edition of cookie gift boxes of excellent quality–a simple gift of small town life. order your cookies now Lot’s of fun happens along the way.
Click to download a contest entry form or Call 622-0326 or email pomerenearts@gmail.com to
1. register for the contest 2. reserve a table for the event (suggested donation: $10 per person) and/or 3. order delicious boxes of a-little-taste-of-home cookies to give to your neighbors or send to your favorite ex-Coshoctonians. All proceeds benefit the Pomerene Center for the Arts.
The 4th annual Holiday Cookie Contest will be judged by Cheeze-kake Bakery owner David Smith. Past winners of the coveted Santa’s Choice Award: Shelia McConnell 2009, Michelle Fetters 2010, Mike Miller 2011