2nd annual crow homecoming
and final hurrah for the world’s 1st ROOT BALL PARK
One of the great animal phenomena of the world is the congregation of large numbers of birds into a single communal sleeping group known as a “roost.” Annually, late October/early November, upwards to 10,000 crows come from as far away as Canada to roost in Coshocton, crow resort town, Crowtown.
Coshocton has carried the nickname Crowtown for some time. No one seems to know exactly where the nickname came from but it is somehow linked to motorcycles. In 2008, when crows began to congregate in town in significant enough numbers to warrant propane cannons and pyrotechnics, the name began to fit like a glove.
Science says they’re here to stay.  The Pomerene Center for the Arts and the Coshocton Convention and Visitor Bureau–following the adage if you’re given lemons–says … “make hot crow-co,  serve krownuts and invite an inspired dance company to town to celebrate the return of our large number of bird tourists.”
It is hard to watch the crows flying in to roost–so many bodies, grouped, moving through space, in time with each other–without thinking somehow it’s a dance.
The day’s schedule
9am | Burt Park (314 S. Oak St), West Lafayette, Ohio
Rainbow Crow runs the 5K in support of Habitat for Humanity. Register to run. Â
1 to 3pm | 300 Block Main Street, Coshocton Ohio
1pm kick off Â
- Dancing Wheels– a 5 min. live  “trailer” to a full indoor dance performance by one of the premier arts and disabilities organizations in the U.S. Full performance at 4:30pm at Lake Park Pavilion.
followed by
- Cirque du Papier demonstration and hands-on origami. Not your grade school teacher’s origami! Cirque du Papier is a mind-bending, paper-folding, your-world-ain’t-flat-no-more experience. Michael Roy Baldridge will deftly fold single flat squares of paper into flapping crows and share his secrets with anyone willing to learn.
- Blackbird Project – simple, pure, original rock and roll. Lead guitar and vocals–Coshocton native, Evan Abood
- Yoga class – Crow Pose
- Art displays, Tree display, Vintage clothing & jewelry, food, contests & prizes
4:30pm | Lake Park Pavilion, 23253 State Route 83 North
- Dancing Wheels – 1hr.performance followed by an outdoor viewing of crows flying in to roost. It is hard to watch this roosting routine–so many bodies, grouped, moving through space, in time with each other–without thinking somehow it’s a dance.
$5 tickets are on sale at  Mercantile on Main, Good News Bookstore, and Canal Cargo. To reserve your $5 ticket/s call 740.622.0326 , email pomerenearts@gmail.com
 The Dancing Wheels performance is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Coshocton Foundation
