Last hurrah for the world’s 1st root ball park
as part of  the 2nd Annual Coshocton Crow Homecoming
November 9, 1-3pm  in the PARK space
300 block Main Street, Coshocton Ohio
The PARK space, summer home of the World’s 1st Root Ball Park, is the designated venue for the 2nd Annual Coshocton Crow Homecoming, November 9, 1-3pm.  It seems appropriate to take the opportunity to double up and let the party serve as a “last hurrah” for the root ball trees before they leave their cushy bean bag couches and become part of the planted urban forest.
After November 9th the Pomerene Center for the Arts will turn the 19 Root Ball trees over to the Coshocton is Blooming Tree Committee who will work with Coshocton City to see that the trees are planted according to best urban forestry practices.  The CIB Tree Committee and Master Gardener Jim Gray played an integral role in the selection of the Root Ball trees ensuring appropriate urban specimens were chosen.  Species represented are Hedge Maples, Zelkova, Hackberry, Willow Oak, and Gingko.  read about these species of trees
The Root Ball Park and CIB urban forestry initiative garnered a Special Mention at the annual symposium of America In Bloom, a national organization of which Coshocton is Blooming is an affiliate.
Special Mention General Description “Situated across the street from the busy courthouse is Root Ball Park. The former Park Hotel site is an innovative use of an abandoned blighted central downtown building site. The inspiration of community artist and Pomerene Center for the Arts Director Anne Cornell, she had to convince the property owner to allow the use of this wasted space to be transformed into a gathering spot for a number of activities. The lot had to be cleared of debris; shade structures designed; play apparatus created. All building materials were recycled from other construction wastes.  A grant was secured from the National Endowment for the Arts. Supporters of all ages were inspired to invest their time, talents and sweat to build this one of a kind park. Partners were essential. One of the core elements of the park is its unique treatment of trees. The 19 trees on loan from the urban forestry initiative are the first trees of a newly energized urban forestry program. They are an essential part of this project as the large rootballs are encased with fabric and styrofoam beads that make them large enough to protect the ball from being damaged from the public that will use the mass to sit on. They are destined to be planted in the community.” Special project or initiative “There is a new spirit of awareness for the contribution the urban forest has on Coshocton.  Eyes in the community have been opened up to the importance of the urban forest that is right in front of them.  Aggressive steps are being made to turn this category from a negative to a shining star. Citizens and city staff are being trained. A tree inventory has been taken with plans for its implementation. A public relation campaign is being formulated to gain citizen support.” |
The community is invited to the PARK space, November 9, between 1 & 3 pm to say goodbye to the award winning World’s 1st Root Ball Park, drink hot crow-co, and sit on the cushy bean bag couches before the Root Ball bags and all their stuffings are put in storage for the winter. CIB Tree Committee Chair Deb Wallace will be on hand to talk with folks about the trees and plans to amend our urban forest.  It’s all free. Come and learn.
The Pomerene Center for the Arts has received an OUR TOWN Â grant from the National Endowment for the Arts in part to fund Phase II of the Root Ball Park. Â There is more to come.

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