2016 Coshocton Arts Homecoming Plus
 August 12 & 13, 2016 More than anything COSHOCTON ARTS HOMECOMING plus is a party—an excuse to get together and whoop it up for the arts created and performed by folks in the county and by our creative friends and family who live “outside!” It’s a simple idea —people who live, or have lived, or work in Coshocton invite people they know to the party….musicians, actors, dancers, puppeteers–visual, media, graphic, fiber artists—writers—culinary artists… Here’s what’s going on. Of special note: The Coshocton Art Prize. $2500 in prizes. The competition is open to any person 16 or older who has a connection to Coshocton County – such as having lived or worked here…
Thursday July 21st and 28th 6:30-8pm in the artPARK, Main Street across from the court square In 2014 the Pomerene  Center for the Arts tested a July Family Night Series to great success in the old Park Hotel Lot. That was back in the day when only temporary things were going on in that space. Thursday July 21st and 28th from 6:30-8pm the Pomerene begins programming in the REAL Coshocton artPARK with an annual series of family fun, music and artmaking. IT’S ALL FREE (though we’ll pass the hat)! Families should bring their own picnics. July 21st, 6:30-8pm—Ohio Joe and The Continental Drifters, a groove twangin, honky stompin, psychedelic garage…
Young Pom Artists Club for kids grades 4-8 limit 10 kids Wednesdays, 11:00am to 1pm, $5 per wk Summer Session Starting June 8 thru July 27 led by Anne Cornell with guest artists including Mary Yaw McMullen No matter what your cartooning/drawing style, it’s important to be good at drawing figures — you’ve got to be able to capture the moves. So in a sense, this is a figure drawing camp with an emphasis on developing your own style. Wed. 6/28/16 we’ll take a field trip to the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum at OSU to take a look at lots of styles. TO JOIN call 740.502.5109 or email…