Crow Wall
From coshocton crow data In collaboration with the new Gund Gallery at Kenyon College and inaugural exhibition artist Diana Cooper (NYC), Kenyon professor Karen Snouffer’s “Painting Redefined” studio class translated Coshocton crow data into art. The panels on display are designed to be enlarged to billboard sized images and “pasted” to a series of raw interior plaster walls clinging to what is now an exterior surface in downtown Coshocton. The design panels will be shown at Gund Gallery in May. ARTISTS:Elena Anatchkova, Lara DelPiano, Mary Defer, Alexia Derkasch, Jan Ellis, Audrey Fenigstein, Ferrell Garramone, Grace Janzow, Emma Lewis, Natalie Karic, Noah Johnson, Nicholas Nazmi, Maxwell Olson, Kelsey Rice, Hanna Washburn,…