tails and tales
Animal Xing Five weeks, Wednesday, mornings & evenings June 2 -30. 6 1hr appointments available each week. COME ONE COME ALL COSHOCTON — The Pom is teaming up once again with Coshocton Public Library, Clary Gardens, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum and Roscoe Village to offer exciting learning experiences for children grades K-6. Our take on the Library’s Summer Reading program theme “Tails and Tales” is Animal Xing. Pom artists will be out in the artPARK under the “big top” tent working with children (and families) to create an animal island — a magical place you can visit anytime through the summer with your friends. Who will you be on our island —…
Camp Bestival 2019 Gorilla Circus Flying Trapeze School
Proportions of the Face and Eye, c. 1489 by Leonardo Da Vinci Week 6 FLASH ART CAMP April 20-24, 2020 We’ve been spending a lot of time —six weeks now — sheltering alone with the people in our homes. Seems like a good week to take a close look. How do we really look? How are our eyes shaped, where do they sit on our head, and what about the complicated build of our nose and the way our lips sit, one on top of the other…? And what happens to our faces when we’re mad? Or happy? Or sad? We’ll be drawing all week and at the same time…